Join us in person Sunday School (9:30am) and Worship Service (10:30am). You can view old livestreams HERE.
We are happy to extend to you an invitation to worship with us on Sunday mornings at Gainesville Presbyterian Church. This guide will help explain the what, when and where of our Sunday mornings.
Sunday School: 9:30-10:15 a.m. for all ages (except July and August). Classes for 2-yr-olds through high school, along with several adult classes, all held on the lower level.
Worship Service: At 10:30, the worship service begins with a time of contemplation during the prelude. Then we worship the Lord with traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs, along with Scripture and prayer.
Sermon: The pastor then endeavors to faithfully expound the Word of God and show its relevance in our lives. Usually he preaches expository sermons through a book of the Bible, but sometimes does topical series as well. There are sermon notes available on the back table. A list of sermon series over the past few years is available under the "Preaching" tab.
Nursery: Loving care is provided for children, infant through age 4, by both adults and teens, during the worship service. Children are invited down to the nursery for the entire worship service or any part of it. Children are also more than welcome to stay with their parents during the worship service.
Children’s Sermon: There is also a children’s sermon downstairs during the sermon portion of the worship service for children ages 4-10, if desired. The children are dismissed after the intercessory prayer, escorted downstairs for the children’s sermon, and brought back after the sermon to join their families for the Lord’s Supper. The children’s sermon is optional, of course, and some parents prefer their children to remain with them for the sermon.
Communion: We celebrate communion every week after the sermon. (See article on Weekly Communion) We warmly invite baptized Christians who belong to other evangelical churches to partake with us. We serve wine (for Biblical and theological reasons – see Pastor Jack’s Bible study on this), but grape juice is provided in the inner circle of each tray for those who, for reasons of conscience, prefer it.
Announcements: Announcements are made immediately following the benediction at the end of the worship service.
Fellowship: After announcements, we are dismissed for fellowship.
Family Feasts: On the first Sunday of each month, a pot luck lunch is shared after the worship service. If you forget to bring something, stay anyway – there is always enough! Plates, cups, silverware, napkins, rolls, and beverage are provided.