- All Sermons
- Series
- Date
- Scripture
- Speaker
Seventh Vision, Seven Plagues
Aug 27, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 15:1–8 Series: Revelation
The Harvest of the Earth
Aug 20, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 14:14–20 Series: Revelation
The Three Angels' Messages
Aug 13, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 14:6–13 Series: Revelation
The Lamb & the 144,000
Aug 6, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 14:1–5 Series: Revelation
The Second Beast
Jul 30, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 13:11–18 Series: Revelation
Gospel Challenge: Death to Self
Jul 23, 2023 Preacher: Chuck Garriott Scripture: Matthew 16:21–28 Series: Summer Guest Speakers
Victory on the Cross
Jul 16, 2023 Preacher: Ben Price Scripture: Psalm 22:1–31 Series: Summer Guest Speakers
The Only Savior
Jul 9, 2023 Preacher: Rev. Jerry Mead Scripture: Isaiah 44:24– 45:25 Series: Summer Guest Speakers
The First Beast
Jul 2, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 12:17– 13:10 Series: Revelation
The Devil's Rampage
Jun 25, 2023 Scripture: Revelation 12:12–17 Series: Revelation
Old Testament
- Genesis39
- Exodus7
- Leviticus1
- Numbers2
- Deuteronomy4
- Joshua2
- Judges5
- Ruth5
- 1 Samuel5
- 2 Samuel4
- 1 Kings7
- 2 Kings9
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles4
- Ezra
- Nehemiah1
- Esther2
- Job12
- Psalms52
- Proverbs18
- Ecclesiastes14
- Song of Solomon1
- Isaiah41
- Jeremiah3
- Lamentations1
- Ezekiel3
- Daniel4
- Hosea1
- Joel
- Amos1
- Obadiah1
- Jonah8
- Micah1
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai1
- Zechariah
- Malachi2
New Testament
- Matthew44
- Mark7
- Luke45
- John23
- Acts14
- Romans17
- 1 Corinthians15
- 2 Corinthians109
- Galatians9
- Ephesians14
- Philippians4
- Colossians7
- 1 Thessalonians1
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy7
- Titus
- Philemon1
- Hebrews49
- James24
- 1 Peter4
- 2 Peter3
- 1 John13
- 2 John
- 3 John1
- Jude
- Revelation57
Primary Preachers
Stephen Baran
Robert & Lois Carr
Cyril Chavis
Richard Chenette
Dr. David Coffin
Matthew DeLong
Chuck Garriott
Steve Hollidge
Dan Iverson
Austin Kettle
Rev. Jerry Mead
Jordan Morgan Ruling Elder | Clerk of Session
Larry Poe
Ben Price
Chris Reed
Gerson Rogue
Adam Smith
Bennett Wethered
Guest Primary Preachers
Jack Lash
- 1 John1
- 30 Years Later1
- Abuse1
- Advent51
- All Things for You3
- Apostacy / Falling Away1
- Atonement1
- Bible Stories Which Teach about Living in This World1
- Christian Life3
- Devotional Discussion on Birth of Christ 1
- Different Age Groups5
- Earthly Blessings4
- Easter6
- Ecclesiastes8
- Eschatology15
- Faith18
- Fathers' Day2
- Frequent Asked Questions about the Christian Faith19
- Giving7
- God's Law1
- God's Love1
- God's Sovereignty2
- God's Wrath2
- Good Friday1
- GPC1
- GPC Retreat 20121
- GPC Retreat 201310
- GPC Retreat 20145
- GPC Retreat 20154
- GPC Retreat 20174
- GPC Retreat 20195
- GPC Retreat 20235
- GPC Spring Retreat 20225
- Grace2
- Guest Preacher6
- Heaven7
- Hospitality4
- Humility2
- International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church2
- Jesus1
- Judgment4
- Love8
- Mercy Ministry5
- Miscellaneous10
- Missionary10
- Money1
- Mothers Day2
- Nation1
- New Years4
- NT books134
- Oakseed Ministries International2
- Obedience1
- Old Testament Stories28
- OT Books7
- Outreach3
- Parenting1
- Pastor Jack Lash's Decision to Retire1
- Paul the Apostle2
- Peace2
- Persecution3
- Planning1
- Prayer2
- Priorities1
- Reformation1
- Religion 1012
- Resurrection of Jesus5
- Revival2
- Righteousness1
- Romance & Sexuality 9
- Sanctity of Human Life1
- Satan2
- Scripture34
- Sennacherib & the Siege of Jerusalem4
- Sin17
- Special Services5
- Suffering14
- Summer Guest Speakers33
- Sunday School18
- Sunday School Lessons3
- The Cast of Christmas5
- The Church2
- The Holy Spirit17
- The Tongue1
- The World3
- Things I Still Believe In3
- Things I've Learned7
- Trusting God2
- What's the Difference?3
- Wisdom3
- Worldview1
- Worship3
- Young Adults' Issues12