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Our Officers

Our Leaders

Our church is led by a board of elders elected by the congregation according to the qualifications for an elder/overseer in the New Testament (e.g. 1Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9). Our pastor is a teaching elder, joined by other ruling elders (see 1Timothy 5:17), together comprising the session of the church. They are responsible for the spiritual direction and care of the congregation.

There is also a board of deacons, who are in charge of the church building, the finances, and the care of the needy. They are also elected by the congregation according to the Biblical qualifications (see 1Tim.3:8-13, Acts 6:3).

Our Elders:

Jack Lash, Teaching Elder and Moderator

Jordan Morgan, Ruling Elder and Clerk of Session

Mike DeMichele, Ruling Elder and Children and Youth Ministries

Our Deacons:

Kurt Wellington, Chairman

Mark Grant, Secretary

Chris Trudeau

Brian Wheatley


If you would like contact information for any of these men, please contact our church secretary:
