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Baptism Vows for Children

Do you know that you are a sinner in God’s eyes?

Do you realize you deserve His punishment because of your sin?

Do you also realize that you have no hope of salvation except in His mercy and forgiveness?

Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God?

Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of sinners?

Do you receive Jesus into your heart and life?

Do you trust Jesus alone to save you from your sins?

Do you now promise to try to live your life in a Christian way, remember that you need God’s help to do so?

Do you promise to help the Church in its worship and work as best you can?

Do you submit yourself to the leaders of the Church?

Do you promise to work to help make the church be what Christ wants it to be?

Do you promise to work to help God’s people love one another as Christ has commanded them to?