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Verse by Verse Devotional on Philippians by Pastor Jack #125

August 25, 2014 | by: Jack Lash | 0 comments

Posted in: Philippians

Supportive Fellowship

2:25-30 But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger and minister to my need; because he was longing for you all and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick. For indeed he was sick to the point of death, but God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow. Therefore I have sent him all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may rejoice and I may be less concerned about you. Receive him then in the Lord with all joy, and hold men like him in high regard; because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was deficient in your service to me.

What seems to have happened was this: Epaphroditus and a few others left Philippi to take a sum of money to Paul for his needs while in chains in Rome. While en route Epaphroditus got very ill, but decided to press on in order to deliver the gift to Paul in Rome (this is why Paul says Epaphroditus was "risking his life to complete what was deficient in your service to me"). As a result, he came very "close to death" (v.30) either before or after he arrived in Rome (or possibly both). Some of the men in the party returned home (either before or immediately after reaching Rome) to report to the Philippians about Epaphroditus’ illness. Once Epaphroditus had recuperated in Rome, he was anxious to return to Philippi in order to assure everyone back home that he was OK.

One thing that stands out here is the supportive fellowship that existed between Epaphroditus, Paul and the Philippian believers. You can see love flowing in all six directions:

1- Paul toward the Philippians

2- Philippians toward Paul

3- Philippians toward Epaphroditus

4- Epaphroditus toward Philippians

5- Paul toward Epaphroditus

6- Epaphroditus toward Paul

(1) The whole epistle is teeming with the love of Paul for the Philippians, but specifically in this passage it can be seen in Paul’s anxiety about them and eagerness to send Epaphroditus back to them so they will rejoice [v.28]. (2) You can see the love of the Philippians for Paul in their earnest desire to provide for his needs: taking a collection and sending a group of their men all the way to Rome to deliver it. (3) The love of the Philippians for Epaphroditus is evident in the sense of necessity of sending some back to inform them of his illness, and in the knowledge of Epaphroditus [v.26] and Paul [v.28] that the Philippians would be worried and anxious when they heard of his illness. (4) You can see the love of Epaphroditus for the Philippians in his longing for them and his distress and anxiety to return because he knew they would be worried about him. (5) Paul’s great love for Epaphroditus is clear in the way he speaks about him all through v.25-30. (6) The love of Epaphroditus for Paul is seen in his willingness to lead the party to bring the gift for Paul’s needs and in his determination to press on to Rome in spite of his sickness.

In this passage we get a taste of what fellowship is supposed to be like: each one is preferring the other above himself; each one is going out of his way to benefit the other. So the very lesson that Paul has been teaching us up to this point in the letter is demonstrated here before us in this real life model of Christian fellowship.

This is one of the things that Christ’s church must be: a supportive fellowship, a group of people who really care about one another and who are committed to helping one another.

May God return this spirit of love to His Church in our day!

Dear Heavenly Father, I do not love like this. I do not feel the distress of others like these folks felt for each other. I am not eager to sacrifice my own life in order to help others like this. I am so wrapped up in myself. I need a new heart, Lord. I need to have my heart melted by the love of Christ. And revive Your Church as well, O Lord! Fill us with Your Holy Spirit! Give us this eager self-sacrificing love for one another. May my life become a model of love that inspires others to become channels of Christ’s love as well.